Nomagic justPick robot at VetLogOne

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The 15th of May was an important day for the WDT Wirtschaftsgenossenschaft deutscher Tierärzte eG, for VetLogOne GmbH and also Nomagic: Together with around 150 guests, partners, and valued suppliers, we celebrated the opening of the new AutoStore™. We at Nomagic are particularly proud that our justPick robot “Sophie” is part of the installation.

justPick robot from Nomagic at VetLogOne

Moreover, the outstanding performance and cooperation of all parties involved in this project, Kardex, IbH Schepper GmbH & Co. KG, and Lauer Systems, allowed the realization within a remarkable five-month time frame at our end. This accomplishment sends a powerful message about the future of automation in logistics, not only in Germany but globally. Achieving a smooth and swift project realization is a reality today with the right partners.

(from the left: Maximilian Hinke Olaf Assenheimer Martin Schmitz Ettienne Bathe Kamil Machoń Adam Bandelewski Andreas Mahn )

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